Tuesday, March 6, 2012

A Clouded Mind...

 I was pretty surprised today when I saw that it had been this long since I had been in here to write.  I have so many things to say but I have no idea how to say it.  My fibromyalgia and the meds that I take for it have caused a "fog" in my brain that seems to keep my thoughts in a whirlwind inside my brain.  Sometimes even the conversations I have with myself are hard to follow and have to be left unfinished. 

I am extremely grateful for all that I have in my life and I am seeing everyday the many miracles that God is putting in front of me.  I am coming to an age where I am seeing the the choices I made as a young mother were good choices.  Was I perfect? Absolutely not, but my kids have taken the tools I gave them and are applying some of them to their lives and they are making some really great choices and are making me a very proud Mom.  

I am also very Blessed for the job I have with Thirtyone Gifts.  I prayed for a job that would give me the flexibility I needed and one that I would love and God sent this company to me.  It is amazing to work for a faith based company that promotes Jesus as our Lord and Savior.  I thought this would be a company that I would be able sell pocketbooks and run "my own business" but it has become so much more than that.  I belong to such an amazing team.  I can call on them for anything from a catalog, to deep prayers and they are there for you.  I am actually going to our national conference this year in Atlanta, GA and I am very excited to meet more of my sisters in Christ and my fellow sisters in Thirtyone.  In case you weren't aware, Thirtyone is based on Proverbs 31 from the Bible which talks about the virtous woman who works hard and recieves many blessings for her hard work.

I am praying that with more prayer and a better diet I will be able to focus more and tame my thoughts so that I can communicate without my thoughts spinning in my head like a hurricane.  If you are a praying person, I ask for your prayers, for peace in my thoughts and spirit, to be calm.  With Many Blessings....