Tuesday, June 28, 2011

They Say it's Your Birthday...

I told Todd last night that I wasn't going to be able to get him anything for his birthday because money is tight for me and he said that it wasn't a big deal because it was just another day....Just another day???  I don't get that, birthday's are not just another day.  This is the day that you were born.  This is YOUR day...ok...Let me explain how I grew up with birthdays.

We, always from the time I can remember, had celebrations for our birthdays.  We had cakes and partys and friends and presents. Some years the partys were bigger and the presents were smaller and some years the presents were bigger and the partys were smaller and sometimes there wasnt a party but just cake and a small present but there was always a combination of Celebration. When we were old enough to have chores, this was the one day we actually got to skip our chores without any guilt.  We were sometimes given the luxury of picking our favorite meal on our birthday.  The day was made to feel special and when I was young I just knew that it was because I was special and loved.  I tried to pass this on to my own children and I hope that they picked this up in the many lessons that I taught them.  If they didn't and they are reading this, I hope they realize it's not too late to fix it now. 

Now that I am an adult I want to continue the celebration part of the birthday.  I know we don't want to get old and thats ok because we don't have to celebrate the number.  We just have to remember that this is the day that the Lord made US!!!  Let us rejoice and be glad in that!!!  I feel so Blessed on my loved ones birthdays because I am so thankful to God that they are here and that he gave them to me as wonderful gifts.  Maybe I should be celebrating a birthday on my loved ones birthdays because I am so thankful...they feel like gifts to me.

I am especially thankful to God for blessing me with such an awesome spirit because my dad died the day after my ninth birthday and that could have destroyed a wondeful part of life.  I am truly thankful to my Mom and Dad (Eddie) for blessing me with awesome birthdays and making them so wonderful.  They really were very good about lifting my sister and I up and telling us how special we were and reminding us that we were truly loved by God. 

So when I hear people say...It's just another day...It makes me sad.  Every Birthday should be celebrated...For this is the day the Lord has made you!!!!!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

My Passion...

Once upon a time I had 3 children and I thought "Is this all that God wants me to be?" and he said "Yes...this is all."  I told God, "I will be the best mom I can be." And so it was...

Well as much as I loved that life, it ended.  Being a stay home mom ends if you don't continue to have children your whole life...(not for me).  So what was I to do with only a degree in motherhood?  My sister is always telling her students that you need to find your passion in life.  Being a stay home mom was surely my passion but that life had ended so I had to find my new passion.

One day while sitting at the computer I decided I would Google my passion...pocketbooks!!!!  I googled homebased businesses selling pocketbooks but the only companies that came up were companies that did not interest me.  One was a company selling pocketbooks that I did not find appealing, which I think is important, and the other seemed on the not so legal side, which I also find very important.  Oh well...at least I tried.  I prayed to God and I know that he knows whats on my heart.  He knows exactly what it is that will make me happy and successful.

Less than a week later I recieved an inbox message on Facebook from a friend that was titled Thirtyone, and there was a lot of reciepients in the reciepient list.  I assumed it was one of those forwards that was going to tell me that I was one 31 of their favorite people and if I forwarded the message to 31 of my favorite people I would be blessed.  Well I ignored the message.  Later that night I recieved another message from the same list of people.  This time I decided that I would open the message and read it.  WELL!!!!  I was blown away with what was inside.  There was a link to a company named Thirtyone and it was a homebased pocketbook selling company and these pocketbooks were AMAZING!!!!!!!  I started to read, well I started to skim really quickly....then saw the words...God Bless!!! What??  God Bless??  Is this a Faith based company??  Can't be!!  I had to start over...Slowly I started to read.....

This company was started by a woman who wanted to spend more time with her family so she went to her basement and started sewing....

The company is based on Proverbs 31...The entire chapter is a beautiful testament to women.  I suggest you read it.  Its based on strong women who work to support thier families.  It encourages women and rewards women when they show the love of God in their work. 

I feel very Blessed to be a woman who will be a part of this company.  I have been a woman who believed in taking care of my family first and now to have God reward me with a comapny who believes in the same thing is a miracle and I praise him for that.

I have always believed that the more you thank God for the blessings in your life the more blessings he will give you and this absolutely a blessing from God.  I have no doubt in my heart that God has brought this company to me.  I will continue to take care of my family and I will continue to praise God along the way.  For it is God who has brought me every Blessing I have...Thank you Lord!!!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Too Blessed to be Stressed...

Ok so this is a follow up to my last rant about being in pain all the time.  It is true, I am in constant pain but I am always trying to be thankful because I feel that if I thank God for everything in my life then I will be blessed with more blessings.  I usually do get blessed.  God is good in that respect.  He loves to be thanked for all of the things he gives us.  I know that this physical ailment I have is not God's fault and I know that when I do get to heaven my body will be perfect and the pain will be gone.  God has promised me a wonderful seat in Heaven and I am very thankful for that.  So as painful as my every day can be I know that I can make it. 

God is always showing me how much he loves me by answering my prayers, sometimes he answers them by saying no and thats ok, I can live with that.  I know he has my best interest at heart and he is in charge. 

So I just wanted to share with you that even though I may be crying in pain and grumpy to the max because of the pain I am still incredibly thankful to God for everything he gives me.  He is my center, my core and he never recieves the blame for my sickness.

Stress Hangover

I ususally try to blog about positive issues but today I am feeling frustrated.  For those of you that don't know I suffer from Fibromyalgia, a condition that effects my nerves, muscles and joints.  There isn't a real reason why people suffer from this and there isn't yet a cure.  Apparently I have been suffering from this for many years but because it takes so long to diagnose I didn't begin treatment until about 2 years ago.  Even though I began treatment 2 years ago, I still haven't found a treatment that works for me.  There are a few different medications out there that are advertised for this condition but so far they haven't worked for me.  I am on my third medication, this one is one that I have to take and try per order of the insurance company before I can try a different one.  You have to understand these medications are the kind that you have to build up to and then if you come off you have to ween off of, so "trying a medication means, taking 1 pill for a week then taking 2 pills for another week then taking 3 pills for another week then being on the pill for a few weeks to find it doesn't work,  Now to come off that pill you have to take 2 pills for a week....get it!!! So now it takes forever to get on medications and to come off and in the mean time your body is going through withdrawals and its in pain anyway and your mind is stressed not knowing when you will find relief.  And there is that word STRESS!!!

Everyone has stress, we can't help it, that's life.  Well if you have fibro, that's the short, cool word for it, then you know that you are not allowed to stress because if you stress even a little...you will suffer.  Stress of any kind brings on a flare-up and that means trouble.  Flare-ups include, migraines, IBS, muscle pains so bad that you feel like you have run a marathon and you can't move, joint pain, heartburn that mimics a heart attack.  The problem is the stress doesn't have to be bad stress...there is good stress.  There is being excited about things and your body gets excited well watch out.  If your body is like mine it will turn around and attack you.  It doesn't seem to know the difference between good and bad "excited" activity in the brain.

I am also sure that physical therapy, diet and cognitive therapy (changing the way I think) would be very helpful but these things cost much more than the stupid pills they push at you.  I know for a fact because I have tried it that massage therapy works but it is so ridiculoulsy priced and our insurance company's would rather give me a pill.  As you can probably tell I am tired of the pills and would much rather go a different route but right now am stuck up against a wall.

I know I will never be free of the stress, good or bad, but finding a better way of coping with it is my goal.  I know I may seek out therapy and some sort of physical activity.  Keeping the negative stress out of my life is also a goal of mine but learning how to change it and not totally delete it is what I am looking to accomplish.

I titled this Stress Hangover because you know what it is like to suffer an alcohol hangover...well a stress hangover is the same idea...After an episode of stress, I have the same couple of days of feeling like crap.  Migraine, muscle ache, stomach issues...feeling of being hit by a truck!!!!