Tuesday, June 28, 2011

They Say it's Your Birthday...

I told Todd last night that I wasn't going to be able to get him anything for his birthday because money is tight for me and he said that it wasn't a big deal because it was just another day....Just another day???  I don't get that, birthday's are not just another day.  This is the day that you were born.  This is YOUR day...ok...Let me explain how I grew up with birthdays.

We, always from the time I can remember, had celebrations for our birthdays.  We had cakes and partys and friends and presents. Some years the partys were bigger and the presents were smaller and some years the presents were bigger and the partys were smaller and sometimes there wasnt a party but just cake and a small present but there was always a combination of Celebration. When we were old enough to have chores, this was the one day we actually got to skip our chores without any guilt.  We were sometimes given the luxury of picking our favorite meal on our birthday.  The day was made to feel special and when I was young I just knew that it was because I was special and loved.  I tried to pass this on to my own children and I hope that they picked this up in the many lessons that I taught them.  If they didn't and they are reading this, I hope they realize it's not too late to fix it now. 

Now that I am an adult I want to continue the celebration part of the birthday.  I know we don't want to get old and thats ok because we don't have to celebrate the number.  We just have to remember that this is the day that the Lord made US!!!  Let us rejoice and be glad in that!!!  I feel so Blessed on my loved ones birthdays because I am so thankful to God that they are here and that he gave them to me as wonderful gifts.  Maybe I should be celebrating a birthday on my loved ones birthdays because I am so thankful...they feel like gifts to me.

I am especially thankful to God for blessing me with such an awesome spirit because my dad died the day after my ninth birthday and that could have destroyed a wondeful part of life.  I am truly thankful to my Mom and Dad (Eddie) for blessing me with awesome birthdays and making them so wonderful.  They really were very good about lifting my sister and I up and telling us how special we were and reminding us that we were truly loved by God. 

So when I hear people say...It's just another day...It makes me sad.  Every Birthday should be celebrated...For this is the day the Lord has made you!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for writing about this, Mary. You've captured just the way that I feel about birthdays, too.
