Thursday, March 3, 2011

Christ's Love

When you think of Jesus' love what is the first thing that comes to your mind?  If you were to meet Jesus on the street today, what would he say to you?  Would he ask you to join him in a quiet place under a tree in a park and talk with you about how he understands how hard it's been for you struggling with everything thus far in your life?  Would he ask you to join him in a cup of coffee at the coffee shop and tell you how much he loves you and how much he has been admiring everything you have been trying to do with your life?  OR would he ask you to gather all your friends and meet him at the funeral of a soldier so that you could throw racial and anti-semitic slurs at the procession as it drove by?

It really makes me sad to see that there are Christians, and I use that word with a struggle, that think that they really believe that this is what God wants them to do.  I know that, as a Christian,  I am suppose to spread God's Love.  I am suppose to tell people what God did for us so that we may have everlasting life.  I am not sure, and I am sorry to all my Sunday school teachers, that I do not remember where exactly in the Bible it says that I am suppose to, as a Christian, go out and condemn people for who they are and what they do.  I am, as a Christian, suppose to tell people how much God loves them.  And contrary to what the WBC believes God does love everyone.  He may not love everything we do but he does love all of his children.  I am not perfect and I will be ready to let God himself judge me on my last day.  I want him to know, and I know he knows whats in my heart, that if I continue to spread love and not hate then that is one of the many choices he gave me that I made right.

If Jesus comes and asks you to sit and have a conversation with him, what would you like him to know?  What would you like to tell him?  Take your favorite cup of beverage and go find a quiet place and have that conversation....He will hear you.

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